How can I change the unit at y axis dynamically at Highcharts?
I have a formatter for y axis:
text:'Custom Title'
labels: {
formatter: function () {
var maxElement;//I want to set it to max value at y axis labels
if(maxElement > gb){
return (this.value / gb).toFixed(1) + " GB";
}else if(maxElement > mb){
return (this.value / mb).toFixed(1) + " MB";
}else if(maxElement > kb){
return (this.value / kb).toFixed(1) + " KB";
} else {
return (this.value) + " B";
I asked a question here: How can I get the max value of a y axis at highcharts? about how to get the max value at y axis labels. However I think I should have sth like beforeLoad and beforeRedraw methods.
How can I change dynamically units of y axis labels (because if you disable/close series at right side max y axis label changes)?
Other solutions about my problem is welcome.