I used to work with the mysql
gem, but often nowadays I hear about the mysql2
gem. Also, it is included in the Gemfile by default in Rails 3.0.x
What is the difference and advantages of using the mysql2
I used to work with the mysql
gem, but often nowadays I hear about the mysql2
gem. Also, it is included in the Gemfile by default in Rails 3.0.x
What is the difference and advantages of using the mysql2
Here's a quote from the mysql2 gem page:
Yeah… but why?
Someone: Dude, the Mysql gem works fiiiiiine.
Me: It sure does, but it only hands you nil and strings for field values. Leaving you to convert them into proper Ruby types in Ruby-land - which is slow as balls.
Someone: OK fine, but do_mysql can already give me back values with Ruby objects mapped to MySQL types.
Me: Yep, but its API is considerably more complex and can be ~2x slower.
mysql2 is very much faster than the mysql gem. Also, apart from being effective, it also has more features and is more fun, just like Ruby on Rails.