
Sending mail to local mail server - “SENT: 550 The

2019-04-21 20:00发布


I am trying to send mail to my local mail server. I am using hMailServer as mail server and I have configured it as mentioned here:

Setting up local Mail (SMTP, POP3, IMAP) Server on XAMPP

But when I try to send mail I am getting this error:

( ! ) Warning: mail() [function.mail]: SMTP server response: 550 The address is not valid. in C:\wamp\www\kariyersitem\register.php on line 161

Log files of the mail server indicates this error as below:

"DEBUG" 3108    "2012-01-08 18:04:24.447"   "Creating session 14"  
"SMTPD" 3108    14  "2012-01-08 18:04:24.448"   "" "SENT: 220 localhost ESMTP"  
"SMTPD" 1728    14  "2012-01-08 18:04:24.454"   "" "RECEIVED: HELO olcay-pc"  
"SMTPD" 1728    14  "2012-01-08 18:04:24.455"   "" "SENT: 250 Hello."  
"SMTPD" 3108    14  "2012-01-08 18:04:24.457"   "" "RECEIVED: MAIL FROM:<you@yourdomain>"  
"SMTPD" 3108    14  "2012-01-08 18:04:24.458"   "" "SENT: 550 The address is not valid."  
"SMTPD" 2040    14  "2012-01-08 18:04:24.459"   "" "RECEIVED: QUIT"  
"SMTPD" 2040    14  "2012-01-08 18:04:24.460"   "" "SENT: 221 goodbye"  
"DEBUG" 3392    "2012-01-08 18:04:24.461"   "Closing TCP/IP socket"  
"DEBUG" 3392    "2012-01-08 18:04:24.462"   "Ending session 14"  

I have checked address and I am sure it is correct.
Can anyone tell me what is the problem?

Here my mail code:

$to      = $frm_kadi;  
$subject = $site_title.' Üyelik Aktivasyonu';  
$message = 'hello';  
$headers = 'From: '.$contact."\r\n".'Reply-To: '.$contact."\r\n".'X-Mailer: PHP/'.phpversion();  
$mresult = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);  

I have checked $contact and It is written as olcayertas@gmail.com in my config.php file. Before sending mail I have use echo function to debug my code and it is correct.

Currently my $contact variable is set to:

$contact = "olcayertas@gmail.com";


Setting sendmail_from to olcayertas@gmail.com in php.ini as @Jared Farrish suggested solved the first problem. But now I have a new problem:

"DEBUG" 3108    "2012-01-08 22:15:28.497"   "Creating session 24"  
"SMTPD" 3108    24  "2012-01-08 22:15:28.498"   "" "SENT: 220 localhost ESMTP"  
"SMTPD" 3108    24  "2012-01-08 22:15:28.499"   "" "RECEIVED: HELO olcay-pc"  
"SMTPD" 3108    24  "2012-01-08 22:15:28.500"   "" "SENT: 250 Hello."  
"SMTPD" 4380    24  "2012-01-08 22:15:28.511"   "" "RECEIVED: MAIL FROM:<olcayertas@gmail.com>"  
"DEBUG" 4380    "2012-01-08 22:15:28.542"   "Total spam score: 0"  
"SMTPD" 4380    24  "2012-01-08 22:15:28.547"   "" "SENT: 250 OK"  
"SMTPD" 3108    24  "2012-01-08 22:15:28.548"   "" "RECEIVED: RCPT TO:<olcayertas>"  
"SMTPD" 3108    24  "2012-01-08 22:15:28.548"   "" "SENT: 550 A valid address is required."  
"SMTPD" 2040    24  "2012-01-08 22:15:28.552"   "" "RECEIVED: QUIT"  
"DEBUG" 2040    "2012-01-08 22:15:28.552"   "Deleting message file"  
"SMTPD" 2040    24  "2012-01-08 22:15:28.552"   "" "SENT: 221 goodbye"  
"DEBUG" 4380    "2012-01-08 22:15:28.555"   "Closing TCP/IP socket"  
"DEBUG" 4380    "2012-01-08 22:15:28.556"   "Ending session 24"  

It seems like it does not get destination address completely. I am trying to send mail to myself but it gets only username olcayertas and missing domain @gmail.com.


I have solved the second problem. It was my mistake.


Now I am getting this error:

"SENT: 530 SMTP authentication is required."

But I have already filled SMTP authentication settings under Settings->Ptotocols->SMTP->Delivery of e-mail->SMTP Relayer. Server requires authentication and Use SSL otions checked.


Disabling Require SMPTP authentication options of hMailServer in Settings->Advanced->IP Ranges->My Compter solved SMTP authentication problem.


To solve SENT: 550550 The address is not valid. problem, you have to set sendmail_from to a valid mail address in php.ini file.

To solve SENT: 530 SMTP authentication is required problem, open hMailServer Administrator. Go to Settings->Advanced->IP Ranges->My Compter. Disable all options under "Require SMTP authentication" section.


It seems that you are sending the "sender"-email (From-Header) like this: you@yourdomain. yourdomain is an invalid domain. Change this to a valid email-address.


You're using you@yourdomain as the From address and the server rejects it.
Use a real address instead.


I'm guessing $contact is <olcayertas@gmail.com> and that's what's causing the problem. Try changing it to olcayertas@gmail.com.


KEEP IN MIND, every time, after You change php.ini,

you should restart wamp (! ! !)

to read the updated php.ini

p.s. you may need to use ini_set("sendmail_from", "your_user@gmail.com"); in your php script, before mail();