I'm trying to customize the Windows Forms Designer's code generation for InitializeComponent
. The MSDN article "Customizing Code Generation in the .NET Framework Visual Designers" contains a section "Controlling Code Generation" that explains the basics of how this can be done.
I've closely followed an example in the above article:
//using System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization;
class SomeFormSerializer : CodeDomSerializer
public override object Serialize(IDesignerSerializationManager manager,
object value)
// first, let the default serializer do its work:
var baseSerializer = (CodeDomSerializer)manager.GetSerializer(
typeof(Form).BaseType, typeof(CodeDomSerializer));
object codeObject = baseSerializer.Serialize(manager, value);
// then, modify the generated CodeDOM -- add a comment as the 1st line:
if (codeObject is CodeStatementCollection)
var statements = (CodeStatementCollection)codeObject;
statements.Insert(0, new CodeCommentStatement("CODEDOM WAS HERE"));
// finally, return the modified CodeDOM:
return codeObject;
Now I hook this up to my form SomeForm
[DesignerSerializer(typeof(SomeFormSerializer), typeof(CodeDomSerializer))]
class SomeForm : Form { … }
The Forms Designer might then generate the following InitializeComponent
private void InitializeComponent()
… /* (general setup code, such as a call to `this.SuspendLayout`) */
// someButton
… /* (someButton's properties are set) */
// SomeForm
… /* (form's properties are set) */
… /* (general setup code, such as a call to `this.ResumeLayout`) */
Note that the comment // CODEDOM WAS HERE
was not added as the very first line in InitializeComponent
, but only as the first line of the code block that deals with the properties of the form object itself.
What would I have to do if I wanted to be able to modify the generated CodeDOM of the whole method, and not just of the part that deals with a specific object?
Background: Why do I want to do this? In Windows Forms, if one wants flexible value conversion during data binding, one usually has to resort to subscribing to the
events of some particularBinding
object. So I'm creating a specializedBinding
subclass (let's call itConvertingBinding
) that simplifies this process a bit.Now, the issue is that when data bindings are set up in the Windows Forms Designer, the generated code creates instances of
; however, I would want the designer to instantiate my specialized subclass instead. My current approach is to let the designer create a CodeDOM tree first, then walk that tree and replace all instantiations ofBinding
by instantiations ofConvertingBinding