So HAML 4 includes a coffeescript filter, which allows us coffee-loving rails people to do neat things like this:
- word = "Awesome."
$ ->
alert "No semicolons! #{word}"
My question: For the end user, is this slower than using the equivalent :javascript
filter? Does using the coffeescript filter mean the coffeescript will be compiled to javascript on every page load (which would obviously be a performance disaster), or does this only happen once when the application is started?
It depends.
When Haml compiles a filter it checks to see if the filter text contains any interpolation (#{...}
). If there isn’t any then it will be the same text to transform on each request, so the conversion is done once at compile time and the result included in the template.
If there is interpolation in the filter text, then the actual text to transform will vary on each request, so the Coffeescript will need to be compiled each time.
Here’s an example. First with no interpolation:
$ ->
alert "No semicolons! Awesome"
This generates the code (use haml -d
to see the generated Ruby code):
_hamlout.buffer << "<script>\n (function() {\n $(function() {\n return alert(\"No semicolons! Awesome\");\n });\n \n }).call(this);\n</script>\n";
This code simply adds a string to the buffer, so no Coffeescript is being recompiled.
Now with interpolation:
- word = "Awesome."
$ ->
alert "No semicolons! #{word}"
This generates:
word = "Awesome."
_hamlout.buffer << "#{
"$ ->
alert \"No semicolons! #{word}\"\n", _hamlout.options))
Here, since Haml needs to wait to see what the value of the interpolation is, the Coffeescript is recompiled each time.
You can avoid compiling the Coffeescript on each request by not having any interpolation inside your :coffeescript
The :javascript
filter behaves similarly, checking to see if there is any interpolation, but since the :javascript
filter only outputs some text to the buffer when it runs there is much less of a performance hit using it. You could possibly combine :javascript
and :coffeescript
filters, putting interpolated data in :javascript
and keeping your :coffeescript
- word = "Awesome"
var message = "No semicolons! #{word}";
alert message
matt's answer is clear on what is going on. I made a helper to add locals to :coffeescript
filters from a hash. This way you don't need to use global JavaScript variables. As a side note: on Linux, the slowdown is really negligible. On Windows however, the impact on performance is quite important (easily more than 100ms per block to compile).
module HamlHelper
def coffee_with_locals locals={}, &block
block_content = capture_haml do
return block_content if locals.blank?
javascript_locals = "\nvar "
javascript_locals <<{ |key, value| j(key.to_s) + ' = ' + value.to_json.gsub('</', '<\/') }.join(",\n ")
javascript_locals << ";\n"
content_node = Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse(block_content)'script').each do |script_tag|
# This will match the '(function() {' at the start of coffeescript's compiled code
split_coffee = script_tag.content.partition(/\(\s*function\s*\(\s*\)\s*\{/)
script_tag.content = split_coffee[0] + split_coffee[1] + javascript_locals + split_coffee[2]
It allows you to do the following:
= coffee_with_locals "test" => "hello ", :something => ["monde", "mundo", "world"], :signs => {:interogation => "?", :exclamation => "!"} do
alert(test + something[2] + signs['exclamation'])
Since there is no interpollation, the code is actually compiled as normal.