This doesn't work in IE8. I think it's the innerHTML that causes the problem. How to solve?
// jQuery plugin
(function( $ ){
$.fn.someThing = function( options ) {
var d = document,
someThingStyles = d.createElement('style');
someThingStyles.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
someThingStyles.innerHTML = " \
.some_class {overflow:hidden} \
.some_class > div {width:100%;height:100%;} \
})( jQuery );
Since you're already using jQuery, use:
$('<style type="text/css">' +
'.some_class {overflow:hidden}' +
'.some_class > div {width:100%;height:100%;}' +
Pure JavaScript
If you don't want to use jQuery, you have to first append the <style>
element, then use the style.styleSheet.cssText
property (IE-only!!).
var d = document,
someThingStyles = d.createElement('style');
someThingStyles.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
someThingStyles.styleSheet.cssText = " \
.some_class {overflow:hidden} \
.some_class > div {width:100%;height:100%;} \
If you weren't using jquery, IE before version 9 writes to a style element by assigning a css string to the styleelement.styleSheet.cssText.
Other browsers (including IE9+) let you append text nodes to the element directly.
function addStyleElement(css){
var elem=document.createElement('style');
if(elem.styleSheet && !elem.sheet)elem.styleSheet.cssText=css;
else elem.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css));
You should check out the CSSOM (CSS Object Model) spec -
You will probably be interested in the cssText
property of CSSRule
objects -