Does anyone have a solid pattern fetching Redis via BookSleeve library?
I mean:
BookSleeve's author @MarcGravell recommends not to open & close the connection every time, but rather maintain one connection throughout the app. But how can you handle network breaks? i.e. the connection might be opened successfully in the first place, but when some code tries to read/write to Redis, there is the possibility that the connection has dropped and you must reopen it (and fail gracefully if it won't open - but that is up to your design needs.)
I seek for code snippet(s) that cover general Redis connection opening, and a general 'alive' check (+ optional awake if not alive) that would be used before each read/write.
This question suggests a nice attitude to the problem, but it's only partial (it does not recover a lost connection, for example), and the accepted answer to that question draws the right way but does not demonstrate concrete code.
I hope this thread will get solid answers and eventually become a sort of a Wiki with regards to BookSleeve use in .Net applications.
Marc Gravell (@MarcGravell) / Stack Exchange have recently released the StackExchange.Redis library that ultimately replaces Booksleeve. This new library, among other things, internally handles reconnections and renders my question redundant (that is, it's not redundant for Booksleeve nor my answer below, but I guess the best way going forward is to start using the new StackExchange.Redis library).
Since I haven't got any good answers, I came up with this solution (BTW thanks @Simon and @Alex for your answers!).
I want to share it with all of the community as a reference. Of course, any corrections will be highly appreciated.
using System;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using BookSleeve;
namespace Redis
public sealed class RedisConnectionGateway
private const string RedisConnectionFailed = "Redis connection failed.";
private RedisConnection _connection;
private static volatile RedisConnectionGateway _instance;
private static object syncLock = new object();
private static object syncConnectionLock = new object();
public static RedisConnectionGateway Current
if (_instance == null)
lock (syncLock)
if (_instance == null)
_instance = new RedisConnectionGateway();
return _instance;
private RedisConnectionGateway()
_connection = getNewConnection();
private static RedisConnection getNewConnection()
return new RedisConnection("" /* change with config value of course */, syncTimeout: 5000, ioTimeout: 5000);
public RedisConnection GetConnection()
lock (syncConnectionLock)
if (_connection == null)
_connection = getNewConnection();
if (_connection.State == RedisConnectionBase.ConnectionState.Opening)
return _connection;
if (_connection.State == RedisConnectionBase.ConnectionState.Closing || _connection.State == RedisConnectionBase.ConnectionState.Closed)
_connection = getNewConnection();
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception(RedisConnectionFailed, ex);
if (_connection.State == RedisConnectionBase.ConnectionState.Shiny)
var openAsync = _connection.Open();
catch (SocketException ex)
throw new Exception(RedisConnectionFailed, ex);
return _connection;
With other systems (such as ADO.NET), this is achieved using a connection pool. You never really get a new Connection object, but in fact get one from the pool.
The pool itself manages new connections, and dead connections, independently from caller's code. The idea here is to have better performance (establishing a new connection is costy), and survive network problems (the caller code will fail while the server is down but resume when it comes back online). There is in fact one pool per AppDomain, per "type" of connection.
This behavior transpires when you look at ADO.NET connection strings. For example SQL Server connection string (ConnectionString Property) has the notion of 'Pooling', 'Max Pool Size', 'Min Pool Size', etc. This is also a ClearAllPools method that is used to programmaticaly reset the current AppDomain pools if needed for example.
I don't see anything close to this kind of feature looking into BookSleeve code, but it seems to be planned for next release: BookSleeve RoadMap.
In the mean time, I suppose you can write your own connection pool as the RedisConnection has an Error Event you can use for this, to detect when it's dead.
I'm not a C# programmer, but the way I'd look at the problem is the following:
I'd code a generic function that would take as parameters the redis connection and a lambda expression representing the Redis command
if trying to execute the Redis command would result in an exception pointing out a connectivity issue, I've re-initialize the connection and retry the operation
if no exception is raised just return the result
Here is some sort of pseudo-code:
function execute(redis_con, lambda_func) {
try {
return lambda_func(redis_con)
catch(connection_exception) {
redis_con = reconnect()
return lambda_func(redis_con)