
Sharing static resources between maven modules

2019-04-21 06:28发布


I have a Maven project with a parent-pom project and 3 maven-module projects in it. 2 of the modules are Java-EE web apps that compile into WAR files. 1 of the modules contains common JAVA code which is shared between the 2 other projects. Sharing the JAVA code was easy.

The question I have is how to a share common static resources such as JavaScript, CSS, and image files without duplicating them in each web module? I would also like to do it in such a way that I can continue running the web app from Eclipse and have changes I make to the static-files automatically available to the Eclipse's running server.


Try this:


 |-- pom.xml
    |-- appsweb1 (war)
    |-- appsweb2 (war)
    |-- common (jar)
        |-- src/main/java
        |-- src/static_files
        |-- pom.xml
  1. Add in pom appsweb1, appsweb2, or add it in pom parent and just add groupId, artifactId in child:

Documentation on the Maven Resources Plugin: https://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-resources-plugin/