I am having a problem returning an ArrayList from my web service (Java).
I have written a test web service and client which consumes it. All appears to work fine - that is the client is calling the server and the server receives the operation request.
However, I have written a simple method that I want it to return an ArrayList.
I have my interface definition as follows:
@SOAPBinding(style = Style.RPC)
public interface ISQLServerConnectionWS {
ArrayList getSimpleArrayList();
I have my server side implementation to return the ArrayList:
public class SQLConnectionWSServer
implements ISQLServerConnectionWS {
public ArrayList getSimpleArrayList() {
ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
al.add( "This" );
al.add( "is" );
al.add( "a" );
al.add( "test" );
return al;
And finally my client call to it:
ArrayList results = server.getSimpleArrayList();
The server populates the array list fine. However, back at the client side, the ArrayList is empty. It has a size of 0.
If I examine the WSDL at my URL ( for the executeSelectSQL, it looks like:
<message name="executeSelectSQLResponse">
<part name="return" type="tns:arrayList"/>
Am I missing something obvious?
However, if I have a web method defines in the interface as:
String getAString();
and the server implementation:
public String getAString() {
return "hello there";
then this works fine - "hello there"
is received on the client.