Running 2 async tasks with grunt

2019-04-20 18:47发布


I am working on a small node project and I use coffeescript and less for client-side code. I am trying to set up my development environment using grunt. I've implemented custom grunt task for running server like this:

start = require './start' #just a function to start express.js application
grunt.registerTask 'server', 'Starting server', ->
    grunt.log.write 'Preparing server to start'
    done = do @async
    start (err) ->
        grunt.log.write "server running at localhost:4000"

I also want to run the "watch" task using grunt-contrib-watch plugin:

            files: ['public/coffee/**/*.coffee']
            tasks: ['coffee']
            files: ['public/jade/**/*.jade']
            tasks: ['jade']
            files: ['public/less/**/*.less']
            tasks: ['less']

The question is: How to make this two tasks (watch and server) run simultaneously? I want to have a server up and running and don't want to reload it every time some client-side code is changed. Thanks in advance


Prefix it to your watch tasks, and get rid of the done = do @async inside the server task.

tasks: ['server', 'coffee']

You want to specify an option in your Grunt configuration for the server task to be "long-running" or not. Then you can call @async only if you need it to be long running (without the watch task).


You can run two or more tasks at the same time using any of these two packages :

  1. grunt-parallel
  2. grunt-concurrent


I was having this same issue of not being able to launch both watch and connect server from a grunt task.

To solve the problem, I started the server as background process using grunt-exec in my Gruntfile

The ampersand (&) at the end of grunt connect:preview & is what starts the server as a background process.

,exec: {
  start_server: {
    command: 'grunt connect:preview &'

And then register the grunt task like this

grunt.registerTask('preview', ['clean:preview', 'template', 'exec', 'watch' ]);

There's got to be a better way to do this, but so far it's the best I could think of.