
How to check which line of VBA code is causing err

2019-04-20 15:22发布


I am trying to debug a long code I wrote and I need to step line by line.

The thing is I am on a mac and don't know how to use an F8 in that case. Could anyone tell me how can I do that otherwise and how do I know which line is causing problems with execution?


To check which line is giving you the error, you can use the ERL property. See this sample code below.

Sub sample()
Dim i As Long

On Error GoTo Whoa

10    Debug.Print "A"
20    Debug.Print "B"
30    i = "Sid"
40    Debug.Print "A"

50    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Error on Line : " & Erl
End Sub

For this to work, you will have to number the code lines as I have done above. Run the above code and see what happens.


Sub Main()

    Dim lNum As Long

    On Error GoTo ErrHandler

    lNum = 1 / 0

    Exit Sub

    Debug.Print Err.Description

End Sub

When you get to Stop, then Step Into twice. If you don't have F8, you should have a menu item for stepping into a line. Resume will take you back to the line that caused the error.


  1. Right click the toolbar.
  2. Choose "Customize..."
  3. Select "Debug"
  4. Drag "Step Into" into your toolbar.