A Tale of Two Functions
I have one function that fills an array up to a specified value:
function getNumberArray(maxValue) {
const a = [];
for (let i = 0; i < maxValue; i++) {
return a;
And a similar generator function that instead yields each value:
function* getNumberGenerator(maxValue) {
for (let i = 0; i < maxValue; i++) {
yield i;
Test Runner
I've written this test for both these scenarios:
function runTest(testName, numIterations, funcToTest) {
console.log(`Running ${testName}...`);
let dummyCalculation;
const startTime = Date.now();
const initialMemory = process.memoryUsage();
const iterator = funcToTest(numIterations);
for (let val of iterator) {
dummyCalculation = numIterations - val;
const finalMemory = process.memoryUsage();
// note: formatNumbers can be found here: https://jsfiddle.net/onz1ozjq/
console.log(formatNumbers `Total time: ${Date.now() - startTime}ms`);
console.log(formatNumbers `Rss: ${finalMemory.rss - initialMemory.rss}`);
console.log(formatNumbers `Heap Total: ${finalMemory.heapTotal - initialMemory.heapTotal}`);
console.log(formatNumbers `Heap Used: ${finalMemory.heapUsed - initialMemory.heapUsed}`);
Running the Tests
Then when running these two like so:
const numIterations = 999999; // 999,999
console.log(formatNumbers `Running tests with ${numIterations} iterations...\n`);
runTest("Array test", numIterations, getNumberArray);
runTest("Generator test", numIterations, getNumberGenerator);
I get results similar to this:
Running tests with 999,999 iterations...
Running Array test...
Total time: 105ms
Rss: 31,645,696
Heap Total: 31,386,624
Heap Used: 27,774,632
Running Function generator test...
Total time: 160ms
Rss: 2,818,048
Heap Total: 0
Heap Used: 1,836,616
Note: I am running these tests on node v4.1.1 on Windows 8.1. I am not using a transpiler and I'm running it by doing node --harmony generator-test.js
The increased memory usage with an array is obviously expected... but why am I consistently getting faster results for an array? What's causing the slowdown here? Is doing a yield just an expensive operation? Or maybe there's something up with the method I'm doing to check this?