Is it possible to develop an application in Qt, using Google Earth?
For example, I want to show the earth (as in google earth) as a sphere via QtGL in my application.
Is it possible to develop an application in Qt, using Google Earth?
For example, I want to show the earth (as in google earth) as a sphere via QtGL in my application.
It is obvious that you can use google earth api with Qt. And I want to share a secret(!!!). Google earth is developed with Qt. :D
Here you can find some people discussing about google earth and Qt. Here is some anothe example.
You could start by looking at the GE Api here. There is a discussion on embedding Google Earth in a Qt Window here.
If what you are trying to do is reinvent an application similar to Google Earth, then the process is much more complicated. As you mention you would have to render a 3D globe using the OpenGL widget. I don't really see why you would do that if you can just embed GE in your application.