This code works alerts "ok" in all browsers except Chrome:
eval("var outer = 0; function test() {'use strict'; outer = 1; } test(); alert('ok');");
(Try it on jsfiddle).
All I'm doing is referencing an outer variable from a 'use strict'
function, all in eval
context. Chrome says
Uncaught ReferenceError: outer is not defined
Note: I originally faced it when using devtool: 'eval'
in Webpack.
To simplify the problem :
eval("var outer=0;");
function test() {'use strict'; outer = 1; }
And the explanation is :
Non-strict code can use the ‘eval’ function to add new variables to the surrounding scope. Prior to native JSON support in browsers, ‘eval’ was commonly (and unsafely) used to construct objects from strings. The constructed objects then became a part of the surrounding scope. In strict mode, ‘eval’ cannot introduce new variables. When executed in strict mode, the following piece of code will not introduce the ‘bar’ variable into the surrounding scope. Note: if a function containing ‘eval’ is executed in strict mode, then the code inside the ‘eval’ function is also executed in strict mode.
More info :
Actually eval creates variables or modifies variables in scope where it is defined, no matter if you use val or not. Or in other words, by default it doesn't have it's own scope.
So when you do this
eval("var outer = 0;");
console.log(outer); //0
you create variable in outer scope. Surprisingly, this works the same way in chrome too - and it doesn't matter if window.onload is used or not.
To make eval has it's own scope you must do the following:
eval("'use strict'; var outer = 0;");
console.log(outer); //Uncaught ReferenceError: outer is not defined
Now there is a separate scope for eval.
With 'use strict' in eval your code will work in chrome and won't allow to override variables outside eval.
eval("'use strict'; var outer = 0; function test() {'use strict'; outer = 1; } test(); alert('ok');");
So this part answers how can you avoid error.
The second part that I am very intersted in but couldn't find an answer by myself.
The question is following, why your code throws an error in chrome while this works in chrome(which means the global variable is created):
window.onload = function() {
eval("var outer = 0; function test(){console.log(outer); } test();");
And also why it happens only with window.onload