I have 2 tables: Order [OrderId(PK), OrderShipmentCode, ...]
and Shipment[ShipmentId(PK), ShipmentCode, ...]
In Order
class, I declared shipment
field as follows:
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
@JoinColumn(name = "OrderShipmentCode", referencedColumnName = "ShipmentCode", insertable = false, updatable = false, nullable = false)
private Shipment shipment;
When I get the list of Order
, the Shipment
is also loaded (I saw many separate SELECT queries). But I want the Shipment
to be lazy loaded, not to be fetched together with Order
For other tables, if the referenced column is primary key then the results are as expected (Lazy-loading is used). In my case, ShipmentCode
is not Primary Key of Shipment
table, and lazy-loading is not used by Hibernate.
Could you show me how to accomplish that goal?
EDIT: The Query code is as bellow:
Criteria criteria = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Order.class);
List result = criteria.list();
SQL queries are: 1 SELECT statement for Order
table and a bunch of SELECT statement for Shipment