Add an android library to the default list of libr

2019-04-20 00:34发布


So first of all, just to clear any doubts, i know how to add a library to an android project. My question here is that, i want to add a library to the list of default libraries in my android studio.

Let me explain with an example. Let's say i want to add the Glide library to my project. To do that firstly, i have to go to glide github page and then, from there i copy the compile 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:3.7.0' text and paste in in my build.gradle file . Then the android studio would download the library over the internet. So every time i want to use the Glide library in any of my project, i have to do this. What i want , is that, i want to include a specific libary like Glide in my Default list of libraries that are available to me

So Here, is where i want to include my library project, so that i can use it, in any of my projects. Thanks in advance, for reading.


There is a way to add the library to every new project/module automatically. There is a folder with templates in the Android Studio directory. Look for:

..\Android Studio\plugins\android\lib\templates\gradle-projects\NewAndroidModule\root

In this directory there is a file:


Modify it according to your needs.

dependencies {
    <#if dependencyList?? >
    <#list dependencyList as dependency>
    compile '${dependency}'
    compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
<#if WearprojectName?has_content && NumberOfEnabledFormFactors?has_content && NumberOfEnabledFormFactors gt 1 && Wearincluded>
    wearApp project(':${WearprojectName}')
    compile ''
<#if unitTestsSupported>
    testCompile 'junit:junit:${junitVersion}'
    compile 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:3.7.0'

As you can see, the Glide library has been added at the end.

When this file is modified, every new Android Phone & Table module will have this library included.

Of course there is nothing that prevents you from adding your own module or project template.


I am afraid it is not so simple.

I looked at the newest Android Studio source code (branch master) and the code for this dialog ( As you can see by looking at this line the dependencies are held inside ImmutableList and are hardcoded. There are held only not-support dependencies.

The support dependencies are held in different place ( But they are also hardcoded.

You have three choices:

  • Change module template as described in my previous answer
  • Create a Live template to automatically type glide and Intellij would give you a hint to insert glide dependency
  • Change Android Studio source code, make a Pull Request and convince people responsible for it to make your changes into consideration.