I'm writing a simple test case that tests that my controller calls the cache before calling my service. I'm using xUnit and Moq for the task.
I'm facing an issue because GetOrCreateAsync<T>
is an extension method, and those can't be mocked by the framework. I relied on internal details to figure out I can mock TryGetValue
instead and get away with my test (see https://github.com/aspnet/Caching/blob/c432e5827e4505c05ac7ad8ef1e3bc6bf784520b/src/Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Abstractions/MemoryCacheExtensions.cs#L116)
[Theory, AutoDataMoq]
public async Task GivenPopulatedCacheDoesntCallService(
Mock<IMemoryCache> cache,
SearchRequestViewModel input,
MyViewModel expected)
object expectedOut = expected;
.Setup(s => s.TryGetValue(input.Serialized(), out expectedOut))
var sut = new MyController(cache.Object, Mock.Of<ISearchService>());
var actual = await sut.Search(input);
Assert.Same(expected, actual);
I can't sleep with the fact that I'm peeking into the MemoryCache implementation details and it can change at any point.
For reference, this is the SUT code:
public async Task<MyViewModel> Search(SearchRequestViewModel request)
return await cache.GetOrCreateAsync(request.Serialized(), (e) => search.FindAsync(request));
Would you recommend testing any differently?