Do Rust lifetimes influence the semantics of the c

2019-04-19 15:05发布


I'm trying to grok lifetimes in Rust and asked myself whether they are "just" a safety measure (and a way to communicate how safety is ensured, or not, in the case of errors) or if there are cases where different choices of lifetimes actually change how the program runs, i.e. whether lifetimes make a semantic difference to the compiled program.

And with "lifetimes" I refer to all the pesky little 'a, 'b, 'static markers we include to make the borrow checker happy. Of course, writing

    let foo = File::open("foo.txt")?;

instead of

let foo = File::open("foo.txt")?;

will close the file descriptor before the write occurs, even if we could access foo afterwards, but that kind of scoping and destructor-calling also happens in C++.


No, lifetimes do not affect the generated machine code in any way. At the end of the day, it's all "just pointers" to the compiled code.

Because we are humans speaking a human language, we tend to lump two different but related concepts together: concrete lifetimes and generic lifetime parameters.

All programming languages have concrete lifetimes. That just corresponds to when a resource will be released. That's what your example shows and indeed, C++ works the same as Rust does there. This is often known as Resource Acquisition Is Initialization (RAII). Garbage-collected languages have lifetimes too, but they can be harder to nail down exactly when they end.

What makes Rust neat in this area are the generic lifetime parameters, the things we know as 'a or 'static. These allow the compiler to track the underlying pointers so that the programmer doesn't need to worry if the pointer will remain valid long enough. This works for storing references in structs and passing them to and from functions.

标签: rust