I am looking for a file uploader similar to uploadify with progress bar that doesn't rely on flash, preferably using jQuery - is this possible?
Sure, it's possible. A couple sites with different code and tutorials are:
- http://github.com/drogus/jquery-upload-progress (ninja'd by DrJokepu ;)
- http://t.wits.sg/2008/06/25/howto-php-and-jquery-upload-progress-bar/
No, I don't think it can cross all browser. IE6-9 can't support the real upload progress bar if no flash. Cause js can't get the file size without File Read API.
Hello try my beta ajax mutiple upload jquery based, simple efficient download it at: http://www.albanx.com/ . no flash, with progress, work over https, support main browsers.. EDIT: find final project here http://code.google.com/p/ax-jquery-multiuploader/