I'm having trouble creating a valid google drive API for my website. I may sound like a complete noob, but I created a file called quickstart.html in my main ftp directory and copied and pasted the code from https://developers.google.com/drive/quickstart-js#step_1_enable_the_drive_api and replaced the client id with my client id, and in my settings I set the Javascript Origins URL to my main url (www.domainname.com), I have a separate index page for that domain, so to access google drive do I just go to http://domainname.com/quickstart.html? Because when I do that and click "Authorize" I get the google Origin Mismatch error. Can anyone help me please?
in Api Console replace your redirect urls to http and remove https and You can also use 'scope': 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.login https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email' . This solution worked for me.
Verify that "JavaScript origins:" Property under Section "Client ID for web applications" and the URL of the page on which you are applying the login code must be same.
Make sure that you are actually accessing www.domainname.com not just domainname.com. Some browsers will hide the actual url until you copy-paste the url into another program. Make sure you type the whole URL, with the http and the www. to be absolutely sure.