I'm trying to port my project to use Django 1.7. Everything is fine except 1 thing. Models inside tests folders.
Django 1.7 new migrations run migrate command internally. Before syncdb was ran. That means if a model is not included in migrations - it won't be populated to DB (and also to test DB). That's exactly what I'm experiencing right now.
What I do is:
In my /app/tests/models.py
I have dummy model: class TestBaseImage(BaseImage): pass
All it does is to inherit from an abstract BaseImage
Then in tests I create instances of that dummy model to test it.
The problem is that it doesn't work any more. It's not included in migrations (that's obvious as I don't want to keep my test models in a production DB). Running my tests causes DB error saying that table does not exist
. That makes sense as it's not included in migrations.
Is there any way to make it work with new migrations system? I can't find a way to "fix" that.
Code I use:
from ..models import BaseImage
class TestBaseImage(BaseImage):
"""Dummy model just to test BaseImage abstract class"""
class BaseImage(models.Model):
# ... fields ...
class Meta:
abstract = True
class BaseImageFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):
"""Factory class for Vessel model"""
class PortImageFactory(BaseImageFactory):
example test:
def get_model_field(model, field_name):
"""Returns field instance"""
return model._meta.get_field_by_name(field_name)[0]
def test_owner_field(self):
"""Tests owner field"""
field = get_model_field(BaseImage, "owner")
self.assertIsInstance(field, models.ForeignKey)
self.assertEqual(field.rel.to, get_user_model())