Postman multipart/form-data error: Missing start b

2019-04-19 03:32发布


I'm trying to hit my server's endpoint with a multipart/form-data request sent from Postman. I'm getting a 400 Bad Request and the cause is:

org.jvnet.mimepull.MIMEParsingException: Missing start boundary.

How can I set the start boundary and how do I know what it should be?

回答1: Following that thread here seems that setting the request header to Content-Type multipart/form-data I'm overriding the value set by Postman.

There is no need to add a content-type header manually. You are overriding the value set by Postman. Just select form-data in POST request and send your request to see if it works.

Removing the header allowed me to hit my endpoint.


Overriding POSTMAN header values is the issue as mentioned by Anton above. Here is how your headers and request body should look like for standalone POSTMAN client:


As a work around try this:

spring: jersey: application-path: /rest # Path that serves as the base URI for the application. Overrides the value of "@ApplicationPath" if specified. filter.order: 0 # Jersey filter chain order. type: servlet # Can be either "servlet" or "filter". init.*:

type servlet worked fine, where as filter is throwing the Start Boundary error.