I want users to my website to use Google Accounts to authenticate / sign in to my website. The primary use case being users will edit and generate content and we want to log ownership in a secure way. We are not interested in obtaining users Google data, we just want a means to authenticate users.
After googling, I came across some documentation, which seems to explain how to do this OpenID Connect (OAuth 2.0 for Login). But the documentation immediately says "Note: If you want to provide a “sign-in with Google” button for your website or app, we recommend using Google+ Sign-In, ...", which if you follow the link ultimately takes you to Google+ Sign-In.
What's the difference between these two pages of documentation? Why does the first tell you to go to the second while not saying the first is deprecated? Are both/either suitable for my use case? All it says is "we recommend" I want to know WHY, WHY do they recommend it?
UPDATE: I also found yet another link which seems to be documenting another approach https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OAuth2WebServer I think this is just for "Authorization" i.e. authorizing your app to make google api calls to get user data, so cannot be used for authenticating/sign-in.
BTW I'm building my website with a Scala Spray BE REST API & NG JS FE.