I have a page setup with Knockout.js and using Knockout-Validation.
During the page load I put another plugin on a select box which fires a change, which fires the validation. I need to be able to clear that error using JS so I can start with a fresh looking UI and give feedback on the form post or select box change.
I can't find anything that allows me to clear an error in Knockout-Validation.
Probably a better way that follows what is already implemented in knockout validation is to say property.isModified(false);
if you have a whole view model to reset simply loop through all the validated properties and call that isModified(false)
See the comment from Eric Barnard here
Hope that helps
Late answer but if anyone needs it :
// assuming the ko.observable on the checkbox is called propBoolean
var propBooleanlValid = ko.validation.group(self.propBoolean, { deep: false });
propBooleanlValid .showAllMessages(false);
It will hide the message till the next validation.
Found the answer by implementing this Pull Request.
Gives me the feature I need.
If you use an entity manager make sure to not include the entityAspect in the validation since it is connected to all other entities. Also see
How to rollback knockout validation errors?