I'm writing an app that requires a cert to be installed in the client browser. I've found this in the PyOpenSSL docs for the "Context" object but I can't see anything about how the callback is supposed to validate the cert, only that it should, somehow.
set_verify(mode, callback) Set the verification flags for this Context object to mode and specify that callback should be used for verification callbacks. mode should be one of VERIFY_NONE and VERIFY_PEER. If VERIFY_PEER is used, mode can be OR:ed with VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT and VERIFY_CLIENT_ONCE to further control the behaviour. callback should take five arguments: A Connection object, an X509 object, and three integer variables, which are in turn potential error number, error depth and return code. callback should return true if verification passes and false otherwise.
I'm telling the Context object where my (self signed) keys are (see below) so I guess I don't understand why that's not enough for the library to check if the cert presented by the client is a valid one. What should one do in this callback function?
class SecureAJAXServer(PlainAJAXServer):
def __init__(self, server_address, HandlerClass):
BaseServer.__init__(self, server_address, HandlerClass)
ctx = SSL.Context(SSL.SSLv23_METHOD)
ctx.use_privatekey_file ('keys/server.key')
self.socket = SSL.Connection(ctx, socket.socket(self.address_family, self.socket_type))
Caveat: Coding for fun here, def not a pro so if my Q reveals my total lameness, naivety and/or fundamental lack of understanding when it comes to SSL please don't be too rough!
Thanks :)