I have been using Espresso to carry out automated UI testing with an Android app. (I have been trying to find a resolution to the issue whilst at home from work, so I don’t have the exact examples and errors, but I can update tomorrow morning). I have run into an issue with unit testing buttons within a layout that is included multiple times within a single user interface. Below is a quick example:
android:layout="@layout/boxes" />
android:layout="@layout/boxes" />
android:layout="@layout/boxes" />
Here is an example of what is within the @layout/boxes:
android:id="@+id/button1" />
android:id="@+id/button2" />
I am seemingly unable to access button one within the include I want “include_one”, without accessing all three of the buttons.
I have tried accessing the buttons with the following:
onView(allOf(withId(R.id.include_one), isDescendantOfA(withId(R.id.button1)))).perform(click());
onView(allOf(withId(R.id.button1), hasParent(withId(R.id.include_one)))).perform(click());
Both of which I found from this answer: onChildView and hasSiblings with Espresso Unfortunately I haven’t had any success!
I know this isn’t great, but as I am not with my work computer I can’t tell you the exact errors I have come across, but I have encountered:
also an error telling me there were no matches found.
The code I am using makes sense, although I am new to using Espresso Can anyone offer some advice, or point out what I may be misunderstanding?