i am working on windows XP . i can successfully run a system() command through my browser by calling a TCL script that automates a ssh session. I also return a value from the script. however my problem is that the script dumps the entire ssh session in the browser.
my php script looks like :
$lastline=system('"C:\tcl\bin\tclsh.exe" \path to file\filename.tcl '.$username.' '.$pass,$val);
spawn plink -ssh $user@$host
expect "assword:"
send "$pass\r"
expect "\prompt:/->"
set $return_value [string compare /..string../ $expect_out(buffer)]
/...some code...this runs fine/
exit $return_value
everything runs fine and i get $return_value back correctly but the php file prints the result of the execution of the entire ssh session in my browser which looks like:
Using username "admin". admin@'s password: === /*some text*/ === \prompt:/->.../some text/
i want to prevent the system() function from printing this in my browser
i have used the shell_exec() function but it returns the entire ssh session result (which i have parsed in the tcl script and got a precise value to return to the php script)
is there a way i can do this without using shell_exec() but using system() instead
thanks in advance