I have a TSQL sproc that builds a query as and executes it as follows:
EXEC (@sqlTop + @sqlBody + @sqlBottom)
@sqlTop contains something like SELECT TOP(x) col1, col2, col3...
TOP(x) will limit the rows returned, so later I want to know what the actual number of rows in the table is that match the query.
I then replace @sqlTop with something like:
EXEC ('SELECT @ActualNumberOfResults = COUNT(*) ' + @sqlBody)
I can see why this is not working, and why a value not declared error occurs, but I think it adequately describes what I'm trying to accomplish.
Any ideas?
You could instead have the dynamic query return the result as a row set, which you would then insert into a table variable (could be a temporary or ordinary table as well) using the INSERT ... EXEC
syntax. Afterwards you can just read the saved value into a variable using SELECT @var = ...
DECLARE @rowcount TABLE (Value int);
INSERT INTO @rowcount
EXEC('SELECT COUNT(*) ' + @sqlBody);
SELECT @ActualNumberOfResults = Value FROM @rowcount;
Late in the day, but I found this method much simpler:
-- test setup
DECLARE @sqlBody nvarchar(max) = N'SELECT MyField FROM dbo.MyTable WHERE MyOtherField = ''x''';
DECLARE @ActualNumberOfResults int;
-- the goods
EXEC sp_executesql @sqlBody;
SET @ActualNumberOfResults = @@ROWCOUNT;
SELECT @ActualNumberOfResults;
use sp_executesql
and an output parameter
DECLARE @sqlBody VARCHAR(500),@TableCount INT, @SQL NVARCHAR(1000)
SELECT @sqlBody = 'from sysobjects'
SELECT @SQL = N'SELECT @TableCount = COUNT(*) ' + @sqlBody
EXEC sp_executesql @SQL, N'@TableCount INT OUTPUT', @TableCount OUTPUT
SELECT @TableCount
After executing your actual query store the result of @@ROWCOUNT
in any variable which you can use later.
EXEC sp_executesql 'SELECT TOP 10 FROM ABX'
SET @TotRecord = @@ROWCOUNT
into your variable for later use.
Keep in mind that dynamic SQL has its own scope. Any variable declared/modified there will go out of scope after your EXEC
or your sp_executesql
Suggest writing to a temp table, which will be in scope to your dynamic SQL statement, and outside.
Perhaps put it in your sqlBottom
CREATE TABLE ##tempCounter(MyNum int);
EXEC('SELECT @ActualNumberOfResults = COUNT(*) ' + @sqlBody +
'; INSERT INTO ##tempCounter(MyNum) VALUES(@ActualNumberOfResults);');
SELECT MyNum FROM ##tempCounter;
The only problem with the answers that create temporary tables (either using "DECLARE @rowcount TABLE" or "CREATE TABLE ##tempCounter(MyNum int)") is that you're having to read all the affected records off disk into memory. If you're expecting a large number of records this may take some time.
So if the answer is likely to be large the "use sp_executesql and an output parameter" solution is a more efficient answer. And it does appear to work.