I want to use an OrderedDict where the key is a Enum and where the item is a certain class.
How do I use the typing module to hint this?
What is the analog to this hinted namedtuple::
Move = typing.NamedTuple('Move', [('actor', Actor), ('location', Location)])
As noted in a comment by AChampion, you can use MutableMapping
class Actor(Enum):
# ...Actor enum menbers...
class Location:
# ...Location class body...
class MapActor2Location(OrderedDict, MutableMapping[Actor, Location]):
Addendum for people like me who haven't used the typing
module before: note that the type definitions use indexing syntax ([T]
) without parentheses. I initially tried something like this:
class MyMap(OrderedDict, MutableMapping([KT, VT])): pass
(Note the extraneous parentheses around [KT, VT]
This gives what I consider a rather confusing error:
TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class MutableMapping with abstract methods __delitem__, __getitem__, __iter__, __len__, __setitem__