MSTest: how to increase test time

2019-04-18 02:07发布


I have one test that needs to work more then 1 minute (VS2008, MSTest, tests are launched from the VisualStudio):

    const int TestTimeout = 1;

    [Timeout(10*60*1000)] // 10 minutes
    public void Login_ExpirationFail_Test()
        IAuthenticationParameters parameters = new AuthenticationParameters(...);
        LdapAuthentication auth1 = new LdapAuthentication();
        IAuthenticationLoginResult res = auth1.Login(parameters);


        const int AdditionalMilisecodns = 400;
        System.Threading.Thread.Sleep((TestTimeout * 1000 + AdditionalMilisecodns) * 60);

        LdapAuthentication auth2 = new LdapAuthentication();

This test is finished in "Run" mode with "Test 'Login_ExpirationFail_Test' exceeded execution timeout period." error message, in "Debug" - it works fine.

I saw few similar problems linked to launching tests from the command line.

How could I get my test workable in "Run" mode?



Answer is very simple: attribute value should be a constant, not an expression.





resolved an issue.

EDIT: Comment to the answer brought to my attention a mistake I've done originally in the answer (wrote "60000" as timeout value). In my source code I have 6000000 and that value helped. the answer was corrected recently


In addition to specifying the number of seconds, Timeout() supports a constant that allows for infinite waiting.



Not specific steps, but should point you in the right direction:

Add a test settings file to the solution if you don't already have one.

Open the configuration wizard with the test settings, and look for the setting that controls the test timeout.