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Android emulator not rotating to landscape
11 answers
I've updated my sdk to the latest version (android 4.4) and I started the emulator, but now it seems not possible to rotate the screen with CTRL+F11, the screen change but all the applications don't change. I don't know if it's a related issue but I can see that even if I created a new emulator with menù hw button, now all the applications have the overflow button.
These appear to be bugs in the Android 4.4 emulator. You may wish to track the issues that I filed regarding the orientation change bug and the overflow affordance bug.
Thanks for pointing these out!
There appears to be a bug in the emulator as described by CommonsWare, however, if you desperately need to debug an app in landscape mode on the 4.4 emulator you can:
- Start the Camera app on the emulator which will rotate the
- Now exit the app, the home screen should now be
- Pressing Ctrl + F11 will do the trick. (Ctrl + fn + F11 on mac).
Until it is fixed I use this free application "Set Orientation". Install the apk into emulator using adb install.
I have found that this bug depends on which device type I select for the virtual-machine. If I set the device type as a "Nexus 7", it won't allow rotations. But if I set the device type as a generic 7" tablet, with all of the same options, rotations will work fine.
In manifestfile.xml can put android:screenOrientation="landscape".
When it has been Loaded you will see every app in landscape mode
There is a work around for this. It seems the settings from the GUI isn't saved to the ini files. I had to manually edit fields "hw.keyboard=no" in both config.ini & hardware-qemu.ini within your avd directory.
As a workaround, I cloned the device, swapped the width/height in the clone and unchecked portrait. Then launched my avd based on the cloned landscape version. Maybe that could work for you?
I ran into the same issue when using the emulator running Android 5.0.1. However, I was able to resolve by using the emulator with Intel x86 Atom system image instead of the Intel x86 Atom_64 system image.
I have found a solution to this problem -
- Create emulator with whatever setting you want but set the Target to
be less then Android 4.4.
For example -
I set it to the following -->
Because I want to use Android 4.4 with Google Maps API so I used Android 4.2.2 with Google Maps API here.
After creating the AVD, start it and lets get it started completely.
Now come back to this AVD and edit it. Here you set the Target to
Android 4.4 with Google Maps API.
For example -
I set it to the following -->
- Now start the application and rotate any way you want. It worked