I'm trying to convert a RGB32 value to HSL because I want to use the Hue component.
I have used some examples that I found online to create this class:
public class HSLColor
public Double Hue;
public Double Saturation;
public Double Luminosity;
public HSLColor(Double H, Double S, Double L)
Hue = H;
Saturation = S;
Luminosity = L;
public static HSLColor FromRGB(Color Clr)
return FromRGB(Clr.R, Clr.G, Clr.B);
public static HSLColor FromRGB(Byte R, Byte G, Byte B)
Double _R = (R / 255d);
Double _G = (G / 255d);
Double _B = (B / 255d);
Double _Min = Math.Min(Math.Min(_R, _G), _B);
Double _Max = Math.Max(Math.Max(_R, _G), _B);
Double _Delta = _Max - _Min;
Double H = 0;
Double S = 0;
Double L = (float)((_Max + _Min) / 2.0f);
if (_Delta != 0)
if (L < 0.5d)
S = (float)(_Delta / (_Max + _Min));
S = (float)(_Delta / (2.0f - _Max - _Min));
if (_R == _Max)
H = (_G - _B) / _Delta;
else if (_G == _Max)
H = 2f + (_B - _R) / _Delta;
else if (_B == _Max)
H = 4f + (_R - _G) / _Delta;
//Convert to degrees
H = H * 60d;
if (H < 0) H += 360;
//Convert to percent
S *= 100d;
L *= 100d;
return new HSLColor(H, S, L);
private Double Hue_2_RGB(Double v1, Double v2, Double vH)
if (vH < 0) vH += 1;
if (vH > 1) vH -= 1;
if ((6.0d * vH) < 1) return (v1 + (v2 - v1) * 6 * vH);
if ((2.0d * vH) < 1) return (v2);
if ((3.0d * vH) < 2) return (v1 + (v2 - v1) * ((2.0d / 3.0d) - vH) * 6.0d);
return (v1);
public Color ToRGB()
Color Clr = new Color();
Double var_1, var_2;
if (Saturation == 0)
Clr.R = (Byte)(Luminosity * 255);
Clr.G = (Byte)(Luminosity * 255);
Clr.B = (Byte)(Luminosity * 255);
if (Luminosity < 0.5) var_2 = Luminosity * (1 + Saturation);
else var_2 = (Luminosity + Saturation) - (Saturation * Luminosity);
var_1 = 2 * Luminosity - var_2;
Clr.R = (Byte)(255 * Hue_2_RGB(var_1, var_2, Hue + (1 / 3)));
Clr.G = (Byte)(255 * Hue_2_RGB(var_1, var_2, Hue));
Clr.B = (Byte)(255 * Hue_2_RGB(var_1, var_2, Hue - (1 / 3)));
return Clr;
However it doesn't seem to work correctly,
If I use an input color of (R 0, G 255, B 193)
for example:
I get Hue = 0
while in photoshop if I choose the exact same RGB values I get:
Hue = 165
which is the correct value.
I want the Hue to be a value ranging from 0 to 360 or 0 to 240
What is the problem?..
Reference: EasyRGB RGB->HSL