I need to match a image url like this:
http://site.com/site.com/files/images/img (5).jpg
Something like this works fine:
.replace(/(http:\/\/([ \S]+\.(jpg|png|gif)))/ig, "<div style=\"background: url($1)\"></div>")
Except if I have something like this:
http://site.com/site.com/files/audio/audiofile.mp3 http://site.com/site.com/files/images/img (5).jpg
How do I match only the image?
Edit: And I'm using javascript.
Proper URLs should not have spaces in them, they should have %20
or a plus '+'
instead. If you had them written with those alternatives then your matching would be much easier.
Assuming images will always be in the 'images' directory, try:
If you can't assume an images directory:
Group 1 and 2 should have what you want (file name and extension).
I tested the regular expression here and here and it appears to do what you want.
should do the trick if all you want is the name of the image. The first group is the file name and the second group is the file extension.
Can you assume that the urls will be space delimited, or return delimited?
As in, can you assume this input?
site.com/images/images/lol (5).jpg
site.com/images/images/copter (3).jpg
If you are going to have your delimiter as part of your string to return, things get tricky. What kind of volume are you talking about here? Could you do it semi-manually at all, or does the process have to be automated?
This would be an approach:
Mathing on the colon. (:)
In this case it's only accepted for the protocol and port (optional).
This will not match:
http://site.com/site.com/files/audio/audiofile.mp3 http://site.com/site.com/files/images/img (5).jpg
This will match (colon in second http:// removed)
"/audiofile.mp3 http/" will count as a folder in "/audio/"
http://site.com/site.com/files/audio/audiofile.mp3 http//site.com/site.com/files/images/img (5).jpg
It's not fool proof. There are other characters that are not allowed in filenames ( * | " < > )