both of these seem relevant: How to efficiently use Rprof in R? and kernel matrix computation outside SVM training in kernlab
The first of the above is a very similar question to this one, though not the same. That question refers to base::Rprof
. This question refers to profr::profr
Original Question
For example, my code is slower than I'd like:
x <- matrix(rnorm(1000), 100)
x[x>1] <- NA
a <- profr(kNN_impute(x, k=5, q=2), interval= 0.005)
I get slightly different plots every time that I run this code due to the stochastic nature of the profiling, but they are generally similar. But I don't know how to interpret the plots.
I've also tried using library(lineprof)
following Adv-R and similarly been unable to interpret the plots.
Any help appreciated.
Also, it doesn't seem (to me at least), like the plots are at all helpful here. But the data structure itself does seem to suggest a solution:
R> head(a, 10)
level g_id t_id f start end n leaf time source
9 1 1 1 kNN_impute 0.005 0.190 1 FALSE 0.185 imputation
10 2 1 1 var_tests 0.005 0.010 1 FALSE 0.005 <NA>
11 2 2 1 apply 0.010 0.190 1 FALSE 0.180 base
12 3 1 1 var.test 0.005 0.010 1 FALSE 0.005 stats
13 3 2 1 FUN 0.010 0.110 1 FALSE 0.100 <NA>
14 3 2 2 FUN 0.115 0.190 1 FALSE 0.075 <NA>
15 4 1 1 var.test.default 0.005 0.010 1 FALSE 0.005 <NA>
16 4 2 1 sapply 0.010 0.040 1 FALSE 0.030 base
17 4 3 1 dist_q.matrix 0.040 0.045 1 FALSE 0.005 imputation
18 4 4 1 sapply 0.045 0.075 1 FALSE 0.030 base
As mentioned above, the data structure itself appears to suggest an answer, which is to summarize the data by function via tapply
. This can be done quite simply for a single run of profr::profr
t <- tapply(a$time, paste(a$source, a$f, sep= "::"), sum)
t[order(t)] # time / function
R> round(t[order(t)] / sum(t), 4) # percentage of total time / function
base::! base::%in% base::| base::anyDuplicated
0.0015 0.0015 0.0015 0.0015
base::c base::deparse base::get base::match
0.0015 0.0015 0.0015 0.0015
base::mget base::min base::t methods::el
0.0015 0.0015 0.0015 0.0015
methods::getGeneric NA::.findMethodInTable NA::.getGeneric NA::.getGenericFromCache
0.0015 0.0015 0.0015 0.0015
NA::.getGenericFromCacheTable NA::.identC NA::.newSignature NA::.quickCoerceSelect
0.0015 0.0015 0.0015 0.0015
NA::.sigLabel NA::var.test.default NA::var_tests stats::var.test
0.0015 0.0015 0.0015 0.0015
base::paste methods::as<- NA::.findInheritedMethods NA::.getClassFromCache
0.0030 0.0030 0.0030 0.0030
NA::doTryCatch NA::tryCatchList NA::tryCatchOne base::crossprod
0.0030 0.0030 0.0030 0.0045
base::try base::tryCatch methods::getClassDef methods::possibleExtends
0.0045 0.0045 0.0045 0.0045
methods::loadMethod methods::is imputation::dist_q.matrix methods::validObject
0.0075 0.0090 0.0120 0.0136
NA::.findNextFromTable methods::addNextMethod NA::.nextMethod base::lapply
0.0166 0.0346 0.0361 0.0392
base::sapply imputation::impute_fn_knn methods::new imputation::kNN_impute
0.0392 0.0392 0.0437 0.0557
methods::callNextMethod kernlab::as.kernelMatrix base::apply kernlab::kernelMatrix
0.0572 0.0633 0.0663 0.0753
methods::initialize NA::FUN base::standardGeneric
0.0798 0.0994 0.1325
From this, I can see that the biggest time users are kernlab::kernelMatrix
and the overhead from R for S4 classes and generics.
I note that, given the stochastic nature of the sampling process, I prefer to use averages to get a more robust picture of the time profile:
prof_list <- replicate(100, profr(kNN_impute(x, k=5, q=2),
interval= 0.005), simplify = FALSE)
fun_timing <- vector("list", length= 100)
for (i in 1:100) {
fun_timing[[i]] <- tapply(prof_list[[i]]$time, paste(prof_list[[i]]$source, prof_list[[i]]$f, sep= "::"), sum)
# Here is where the stochastic nature of the profiler complicates things.
# Because of randomness, each replication may have slightly different
# functions called during profiling
sapply(fun_timing, function(x) {length(names(x))})
# we can also see some clearly odd replications (at least in my attempt)
> sapply(fun_timing, sum)
[1] 2.820 5.605 2.325 2.895 3.195 2.695 2.495 2.315 2.005 2.475 4.110 2.705 2.180 2.760
[15] 3130.240 3.435 7.675 7.155 5.205 3.760 7.335 7.545 8.155 8.175 6.965 5.820 8.760 7.345
[29] 9.815 7.965 6.370 4.900 5.720 4.530 6.220 3.345 4.055 3.170 3.725 7.780 7.090 7.670
[43] 5.400 7.635 7.125 6.905 6.545 6.855 7.185 7.610 2.965 3.865 3.875 3.480 7.770 7.055
[57] 8.870 8.940 10.130 9.730 5.205 5.645 3.045 2.535 2.675 2.695 2.730 2.555 2.675 2.270
[71] 9.515 4.700 7.270 2.950 6.630 8.370 9.070 7.950 3.250 4.405 3.475 6.420 2948.265 3.470
[85] 3.320 3.640 2.855 3.315 2.560 2.355 2.300 2.685 2.855 2.540 2.480 2.570 3.345 2.145
[99] 2.620 3.650
Removing the unusual replications and converting to data.frame
fun_timing <- fun_timing[-c(15,83)]
fun_timing2 <- lapply(fun_timing, function(x) {
ret <- data.frame(fun= names(x), time= x)
dimnames(ret)[[1]] <- 1:nrow(ret)
Merge replications (almost certainly could be faster) and examine results:
# function for merging DF's in a list
merge_recursive <- function(list, ...) {
n <- length(list)
df <- data.frame(list[[1]])
for (i in 2:n) {
df <- merge(df, list[[i]], ... = ...)
# merge
fun_time <- merge_recursive(fun_timing2, by= "fun", all= FALSE)
# do some munging
fun_time2 <- data.frame(fun=fun_time[,1], avg_time=apply(fun_time[,-1], 1, mean, na.rm=T))
fun_time2$avg_pct <- fun_time2$avg_time / sum(fun_time2$avg_time)
fun_time2 <- fun_time2[order(fun_time2$avg_time, decreasing=TRUE),]
# examine results
R> head(fun_time2, 15)
fun avg_time avg_pct
4 base::standardGeneric 0.6760714 0.14745123
20 NA::FUN 0.4666327 0.10177262
12 methods::initialize 0.4488776 0.09790023
9 kernlab::kernelMatrix 0.3522449 0.07682464
8 kernlab::as.kernelMatrix 0.3215816 0.07013698
11 methods::callNextMethod 0.2986224 0.06512958
1 base::apply 0.2893367 0.06310437
7 imputation::kNN_impute 0.2433163 0.05306731
14 methods::new 0.2309184 0.05036331
10 methods::addNextMethod 0.2012245 0.04388708
3 base::sapply 0.1875000 0.04089377
2 base::lapply 0.1865306 0.04068234
6 imputation::impute_fn_knn 0.1827551 0.03985890
19 NA::.nextMethod 0.1790816 0.03905772
18 NA::.findNextFromTable 0.1003571 0.02188790
From the results, a similar but more robust picture emerges as with a single case. Namely, there is a lot of overhead from R and also that library(kernlab)
is slowing me down. Of note, since kernlab
is implemented in S4, the overhead in R is related since S4 classes are substantially slower than S3 classes.
I'd also note that my personal opinion is that a cleaned up version of this might be a useful pull request as a summary method for profr. Although I'd be interested to see others' suggestions!