I am developing a small QT application to interact with the terminal, to send commands to the terminal and to read back information printed out.
Example: get output of all processes using ps -aux
I am able to write information out to the terminal but I dont think it is in the system scope, actual example:
Command passed to shell interpreter : "echo "pre"; ps -aux; echo "post"
edit from comment:
I need to send specific complete commands, I am not looking for shortened or alternative commands, I require a method of sending a command like this : ps -aux | grep chrome | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f 2
and reading its output. This example is getting all pid's of all running chrome processes
Interpreters attempted :
QProcess *proc_ovpn = new QProcess(this);
proc_ovpn->start("sh",QStringList() << "-c" << "echo \"pre\";ps -aux; echo \"post\"");
QString str(proc_ovpn->readAllStandardOutput());
return str; <<< ======= //breakpoint here
Debug information:
When breakpoint is reached, debug information as follows:
str "" QString
this @0x555555ad7be0 Interface
Return Value
10000000 10000000 int
It was suggested to run shell code using this method above from a post on SO, could not find it again.
I am at a loss, I do not understand why running these commands to not interact directly with the system (and its information),
Any advice?