Implement double sqrt(double x) in C++ [closed]

2019-04-17 09:03发布


Implement double sqrt(double x) in C++ without using std library.

This is a facebook interview question I saw here. Any other good idea about this?...

!!!Edited.!!!(without using std library.)


Look here. This CodeProject article compares 14 different methods for computing the square root.


The two obvious answers are bisection (semi-slow) and Newton-Raphson/Leibniz iteration (usually faster). To keep from spoiling anybody's fun, I'll do a reinterpret_cast on the question -- here's an implementation of an integer square root in 8086 assembly language using the Newton-Raphson technique:

isqrt proc uses di, number:word
; uses bx, cx, dx
    mov di,number
    mov ax,255
    mov bx,ax
    xor dx,dx
    mov ax,di
    div bx
    add ax,bx
    shr ax,1
    mov cx,ax
    sub cx,bx
    cmp cx,2
    ja  start_loop
isqrt endp

This is open to some improvement -- it uses x/2 as its initial guess at the sqrt(x). With 386+ instructions, you can use bsr to find the most significant bit that's set to get a rough approximation of log2x, and divide that by 2 to get your initial approximation.

OTOH, this really only made sense on ancient processors. For anything since the 486 (or so) that has built-in floating point hardware, it's nearly certain that the FSQRT instruction will beat this (or pretty much anything else you can write).


Here is one of the most genius sqrt implementations which can be found on wikipedia. It is not the most accurate, but extremely fast.

float fast_sqrt(float number) {
   long i;
   float x2, y;
   const float threehalfs = 1.5F;

   x2 = number * 0.5F;
   y  = number;
   i  = * ( long * ) &y;                     // floating point bit level hacking [sic]
   i  = 0x5f3759df - ( i >> 1 );             // Newton's approximation
   y  = * ( float * ) &i;
   y  = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) ); // 1st iteration
   y  = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) ); // 2nd iteration
   y  = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) ); // 3rd iteration

   return 1/y;


If I am allowed to use log (ln) and exp then of course exp(log(x)/2) will give me the square root.

Assuming not:

If our value we find the sqrt of is x and the start value is y then we iterate y->(y+x/y)/2

Terminating condition would either be a proximity of y to its previous value or of y*y to x.

With 385 as my x value I get these values in my iterations (Excel)


You can use an "approximate" 2^(log base 2(x)/2) as a start point instead of 1. 385 has a log somewhere between 8 and 9, so if we say 8.5 and therefore start with 2^4.25. If we do this linear between 16 and 32 then we would start with 20.

Starting with 20 I get there in just 4 steps:


but it required previous "iterations" to calculate the approximate log and exponential.

标签: c++ sqrt