For an ionic 2 app to print using Sunmi V1, added native plugin for printer by executing
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-printer
First I checked whether the printer is available by
checkPrinter() {
this.printer.check().then(function () {
alert("Printer available");
}, function () {
alert("Printer not available");
It alerts "Printer available"
But the below method doesn't prompt any message
printData() {
this.printer.isAvailable().then(function () {
this.printer.print("Test Data").then(function () {
}, function () {
alert("Printing error");
}, function () {
So I called Printer.print method directly as below
this.printer.print("Test Data").then(function () {
}, function () {
alert("Printing Error");
This method opens Print dialog to choose printer
If I select 'All Printers' from the dropdown to select printer instead of 'Save as PDF', then the search screen appears and keeps on searching...
Is some configuration missing or is it possible to interact with POS printers using cordova printer plugin?