I've written the admin area of a particular rails app and now I'm ready to set it as own section within the website.
Therefore, it will be /admin
However, I didn't want to have it as /admin within the route itself I wanted to have something less common, so I added a couple of hyphens before and after it.
So the route is /-admin-/ and the namespace is Admin.
After setting this up using :path_prefix => "/-admin-", I have the following code block:
map.namespace "/-admin-/", :name_prefix => "", :path_prefix => "/-admin-" do |admin|
This works for all but shallow routes, instead, in the rake routes output the output is:
new_page GET /-admin-/areas/:area_id/pages/new(.:format) {:action=>"new", :controller=>"admin/pages"}
edit_admin_page GET /admin/pages/:id/edit(.:format) {:action=>"edit", :controller=>"admin/pages"}
admin_page GET /admin/pages/:id(.:format) {:action=>"show", :controller=>"admin/pages"}
PUT /admin/pages/:id(.:format) {:action=>"update", :controller=>"admin/pages"}
DELETE /admin/pages/:id(.:format) {:action=>"destroy", :controller=>"admin/pages"}
areas GET /-admin-/areas(.:format) {:action=>"index", :controller=>"admin/areas"}
POST /-admin-/areas(.:format) {:action=>"create", :controller=>"admin/areas"}
new_area GET /-admin-/areas/new(.:format) {:action=>"new", :controller=>"admin/areas"}
Notice how the shallow-routed routes are prefixed as /admin/ and not as /-admin-/ (as are their parent routes).
Any ideas on how to get around this? Is this a bug in rails or do I need to work around it? I tried adding the :path_prefix to each nested route but it doesn't do anything?
Any ideas?