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How to find the cumulative sum of numbers in a list?
18 answers
How to generate a list with Python in which each element is the sum of the previous numbers.
Here's an example:
input: [ 25690.16, -34010.61, 9278.44, -808.00, -2126.95, 3920.19, -1793.23, 997.54, -1142.55, -69349.58 ]
25690.16 + -34010.61 = -8320.45
-8320.45 + 9278.44 = -8320.45
957.99 + -808.00 = 149.99
149.99 + -2126.95 = -1976.96
-1976.96 + 3920.19 = 1943.23
1943.23 + -1793.23 = 150
150 + 997.54 = 1147.54
1147.54 + -1142.55 = 4.99
4.99 + -69349.58 = -69344.54
output: [ 25690.16, -8320.45, -8320.45, 149.99, -1976.96, 1943.23, 150, 1147.54, 4.99, -69344.54 ]
Use itertools.accumulate
>>> from itertools import accumulate
>>> l = [ 25690.16, -34010.61, 9278.44, -808.00, -2126.95, 3920.19, -1793.23, 997.54, -1142.55, -69349.58 ]
>>> list(accumulate(l))
[25690.16, -8320.45, 957.9899999999998, 149.98999999999978, -1976.96, 1943.23, 150.0, 1147.54, 4.990000000000009, -69344.59]
This is generally faster than the alternative of numpy.cumsum
>>> from numpy import cumsum
>>> l = [ 25690.16, -34010.61, 9278.44, -808.00, -2126.95, 3920.19, -1793.23, 997.54, -1142.55, -69349.58 ]
>>> cumsum(l)
array([ 2.56901600e+04, -8.32045000e+03, 9.57990000e+02,
1.49990000e+02, -1.97696000e+03, 1.94323000e+03,
1.50000000e+02, 1.14754000e+03, 4.99000000e+00,
Without using imports:
>>> l = [ 25690.16, -34010.61, 9278.44, -808.00, -2126.95, 3920.19, -1793.23, 997.54, -1142.55, -69349.58 ]
>>> o = [l[0]]
>>> for x in l[1:]:
>>> o.append(x+o[-1])
>>> print(o)
[25690.16, -8320.45, 957.9899999999998, 149.98999999999978, -1976.96, 1943.23, 150.0, 1147.54, 4.990000000000009, -69344.59]
iterative method
L = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
N = []
for i in range(1,len(L)+1):
hope this helps
def sum_list(l):
L = [sum(l[:i+1]) for i in range(len(l))]
return L
I Think that you want something like this:
l = [1,2,3,4,5]
l2 = []
aux = l[0]
i = 0
while i < len(l):
if i+1 < len(l):
l2.append(aux + l[i+1])
print (l2)