
WSO2 API Manager 2.0 Log Error localhost:7712 (ssl

2019-04-16 18:40发布


I have installed APIM and APIM Analytics in two different machines. I followed this guide to connect APIM to APIM Analytics. Analytics are working fine, I can see usage data in dashboards, but this error keeps showing once and again in log file

ERROR {org.wso2.carbon.databridge.agent.endpoint.DataEndpointConnectionWorker} - Error while trying to connect to the endpoint. Cannot borrow client for ssl://localhost:7712 {org.wso2.carbon.databridge.agent.endpoint.DataEndpointConnectionWorker} org.wso2.carbon.databridge.agent.exception.DataEndpointAuthenticationException: Cannot borrow client for ssl://localhost:7712

I have changed <DASAuthServerURL>{ssl://localhost:7712}</DASAuthServerURL> in api-manager.xml values to the real machine IP and port, but it seems APIM is ignoring this param.

Is there any way to fix the error?


I encountered the same problem when trying to install APIM Analytics on a different server from APIM. Turns out I forgot to change the DAS_AGENT.url property in the log4j.properties file. Updating the property solved the issue.


"Cannot borrow client for ssl://localhost:7712" "ThriftSecureClientPoolFactory" Above is fixed by matching the ssl Thrift port defined in analytics worker /conf/worker/deployment.yaml

In wso2 api manger analytics 2.6.0 they made changes to DAS, now if you see this error you have to change /repository/conf/api-manager.xml


The ssl port 7712 is derived from StreamProcessorServerURL:Port+100 and


The ssl port 7712 is derived from AuthUrlGroup:Port