Hi i'm trying to rename my files in a directory from (test.jpeg, test1.jpeg, test2.jpeg etc...) (People-000, People-001, People-002 etc...)
but I haven't found a good way to do that anywhere online.
I'm kinda new to python but if I figured this out it would be very useful.
If you don't mind correspondence between old and new names:
import os
_src = "/path/to/directory/"
_ext = ".jpeg"
for i,filename in enumerate(os.listdir(_src)):
if filename.endswith(_ext):
os.rename(filename, _src+'People-' + str(i).zfill(3)+_ext)
But if it is important that ending number of the old and new file name corresponds, you can use regular expressions:
import re
import os
_src = "/path/to/directory/"
_ext = ".jpeg"
endsWithNumber = re.compile(r'(\d+)'+(re.escape(_ext))+'$')
for filename in os.listdir(_src):
m = endsWithNumber.search(filename)
if m:
os.rename(filename, _src+'People-' + str(m.group(1)).zfill(3)+_ext)
os.rename(filename, _src+'People-' + str(0).zfill(3)+_ext)
Using regular expressions instead of string index has the advantage that it does not matter the file name length .