Here, my code feats value form text file; and create matrices as multidimensional array, but the problem is the code create more then two dimensional array, that I can't manipulate, I need two dimensional array, how I do that?
Explain algorithm of my code:
Moto of code: My code fetch value from a specific folder, each folder contain 7 'txt' file, that generate from one user, in this way multiple folder contain multiple data of multiple user.
step1: Start a 1st for loop, and control it using how many folder have in specific folder,and in variable 'path' store the first path of first folder.
step2: Open the path and fetch data of 7 txt file using 2nd for loop.after feats, it close 2nd for loop and execute the rest code.
step3: Concat the data of 7 txt file in one 1d array.
step4: create 2d array using getting data of 2 folder
step5(here problem arise): create a row in 2d array ind inser id array
import numpy as np
import array as arr
import os
#for feacth directory path
for (path,dirs,file) in os.walk(f_path):
f_path_1= path +'\page_1.txt'
#Get data from page1 indivisualy beacuse there string type data exiest
pgno_1 = np.array(np.loadtxt(f_path_1, dtype='U', delimiter=','))
#only for page_2.txt
f_path_2= path +'\page_2.txt'
with open(f_path_2) as f:
str_arr = ','.join([l.strip() for l in f])
pgno_2 = np.asarray(str_arr.split(','), dtype=int)
#using loop feach data from those text file.datda type = int
for j in range(3,8):
#store file path using variable
if os.path.exists(txt_file_path)==True:
#genarate a variable name that auto incriment with for loop
#pass the variable name as string and store value
exec(foo + " = np.array(np.loadtxt(txt_file_path, dtype='i', delimiter=','))")
#marge all array from page 2 to rest in single array in one dimensation
f_array=np.concatenate((pgno_2,pgno_3,pgno_4,pgno_5,pgno_6,pgno_7), axis=0)
#for first time of the loop assing this value
if array_control_var==0:
if array_control_var==1:
#here use np.array()
main_f_array=np.insert(main_f_array, array_control_var, f_array, 0)
I want output like this
Initial [[0,0,0],[0,0,0,]]
after insert [[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
but the out put is
[array([0, 0, 0]) array([0, 0, 0]) 0 0 0]