Hi I want to build an app where if the user is idle for say 5 seconds, then a man will walk from the left side and will show a banner like text block "What are you doing?". I am developing a Game app for Windows app and it is the idea came to my mind. But I don't know how to do this in XAMl and specially in WPF, with Windows phone 8.
I know very little about animations and want to learn more. Storyboard animation and transtions I know, but how could I use that to do this kind of animations?
<Storyboard x:Name="SuperAnimation" >
<DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames BeginTime="00:00:00" Storyboard.TargetName="FirstImage" Storyboard.TargetProperty="(UIElement.Opacity)">
<EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="00:00:00" Value="0.2"/>
<EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="00:00:02" Value="0.6"/>
<EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="00:00:04" Value="0.3"/>
<EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="00:00:06.7000000" Value="1"/>
But this kind of animations are very simple, please guide