How do I copy a database from one MongoDB server t

2019-01-08 10:13发布


I have two mongodbs in different server, both start with --auth. Now I want to copy a db from one server to another.

> mongo
> use admin
> db.copyDatabase("mydb","mydb","another_server")

It shows:

{ "errmsg" : "", "ok" : 0 }


> db.getLastError()

Seems no error, but the copy is not successful. What's the correct command to use?


If you are using --auth, you'll need to include your username/password in there...

Also you must be on the "destination" server when you run the command.

db.copyDatabase(<from_db>, <to_db>, <from_hostname>, <username>, <password>);

If all that doesn't work, you might want to try something like creating a slave of the database you want to copy ...


In addition to the answer of Justin Jenkins keep in mind that you also can use a ssh tunnel if you don't have mongodb exposed to the network (localhost only)

I use screen to switch between "tasks". for my convenience the ssh tunnel and mongo are executed in separate screen tabs.

step 1: create a tunnel

ssh username@yourdomainOrIP -L 27018:localhost:27017
...Enter your password

step 2 :

use admin


Starting from Mongo version 3.2 you can do it by using mongodump/mongorestore:

mongodump  --host <from_host> --db <from_db> --archive | mongorestore --host <to_host> --archive

Additional info could be found at:

To make remote mongo reachable you can create ssh tunnel to it:

ssh -fN -L 27017:localhost:27117 <remote_host> 

In this case the command could be:

mongodump  --port 27117 --db <from_db> --archive | mongorestore --archive

标签: mongodb