I am using a macro in SAS to loop over the data tables in a specific library. I put the metadata information in a data null step and make a comparison with a where statement and my macro variable.
My SQL step looks like:
proc sql;
select quote(trim(code)) into :procedures separated by ', ' from procedures;
Some values of code
contain values like "45.10" and "G0102", so cannot be coerced to numeric. The macro contains the line:
%macro filter_codes(indata, outdata);
data &outdata;
set &indata(where = (code in (&procedures)));
but the decimal values create an issue when double-quoted using the "quote" function.
Can I separate values with single quotes?
EDIT: The issue was caused by the fact that the filter_codes macro was run within a call execute step (over a range of datasets) and double quotes resolved in macro variables inside of double quotes would end the call execute.
Try this:
proc sql;
select catt("'", code, "'") into :procedures separated by ', ' from procedures;
Also fix the where option in set statement:
set &indata(where=(code in (&procedures)));
How about in one step using SQL?
%macro filter_codes(indata, outdata);
proc sql ;
create table &OUTDATA as
select * from &INDATA
where code in(select distinct code from procedures) ;
quit ;
No need to worry about quoting then.
In 9.3 you have a second argument, enabling you to use single quotes in the quote()
proc sql noprint;
select quote(trim(code),"'") into :procedures separated by ', ' from procedures;
However.. Am not a fan of this function as it pads empty character variables with a single space (see below).
data _null_;
x=''; /* empty */
put y=; /* gives y=' ' */
Unfortunately it's the only 'in built' way (other than a proc export or suchlike) to get reliable quoting applied (eg quoting the quotes).
Fix the issue where you reference the variable. Sounds like you were trying to use something like
call execute("set &indata(where=(code in (&procedures)))") ;
First there is no need to use double quotes in the CALL EXECUTE string. Push the &procedures onto the command stack unresolved.
call execute('set &indata(where=(code in (&procedures)))') ;
If you did want to resolve the macro variable then look at using %sysfunc(quote()).
put %sysfunc(quote(The procedure list is &procedures));