During last couple of weeks any shares made using LinkedIn sharing API don't display large images, though we provide all required information for this, including image URL. The same happens when we use REST Console. Below you can see a sample request and how the share looks like.
"comment": "How Triggre achieves its simplicity",
"content": {
"title": "Triggre / Blog / Design Philosophy - Part 3",
"description": "In the previous two posts about our design philosophy you could read how we decided to build Triggre and why we chose simplicity as the core of our desi...",
"submitted-url": "https://www.triggre.com/en/blog/the-triggre-design-philosophy-part-3/",
"submitted-image-url": "https://www.triggre.com/media/1105/sagrada-familia.jpg?width=800"
"visibility": {
"code": "anyone"
A share without large image
What is happening and how could we workaround it?