I have the following data sheet:
As you can see I have a date and a no which is a string.
Now I want to filter out all dates which have the same number in a +-20 day intervall around the date. So for example:
If the 12.2.2014
has the value a
then it gets a 1
and if the 3.2.2014
has the value a
it gets also a 1
. In contrast if the value 15.1.2014
has the value a
it gets a 0
because it is not in the +-20 day range
. If there exists two rows like in the example below with 10.07.2002
and value d
then it gets a 0 because there is no other day in a 20 day intervall
around it.
My implementation idea is: Calculate for each value and date the difference of the dates and if it is less or equal than 20 and greater and equal to 1 then give out a 1 else a 0.
Can this be done in excel?
I really appreciate any suggestions
PS.: I hope that I showed the problem clearly!
Using this formula I get:
see col E