I am using Inno Setup installer to setup an installer file, that can invoke the .exe that I just installed through its scripting, and launch it right after installation, with the following command:
Filename: "{cmd}"; Description: "{cm:LaunchProgram,3mtxmail}"; \
Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent runascurrentuser; \
Parameters: "/b /k "" ""{app}\my.exe"" -c ""{app}\default.conf"" "" "
When my.exe
is operating, it doesn't need any interface, and should only listen to any traffic on a specific port, and write that traffic info to a log file.
However, when I execute the installer and launched the program, it still brings up a new console window, which I think the /b
should have prevented. I expect not to see this new console window, and actually don't see anything on the screen.
From https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb491005.aspx, the /b
should be the flag that indicates not to open new windows for the command.
What is the correct syntax?