Using nv-file-upload ( how can I make the drop zone act also as a clickable element to select files? Adding {{nv-file-select}} does not seem to work.
The answer is that YOU CANT, there is no way to do this inside that plugin but i use a simple solution for this kind of problems. Add a ng-click inside your dragNdrop tag and call your function:
<div nv-file-drop="" uploader="upload" ng-click="launchFilePicker()">
<div class="drop-box" ng-show="upload.isHTML5" uploader="upload" nv-file-over="" over-class="dragover" filter="image/*,application/pdf">
Drag a file here.
<div ng-hide="upload.isHTML5"> <input id="fileDialog" type="file" nv-file-select uploader="upload"/><br/></div>
And inside your controller you do this:
$scope.launchFilePicker = function () {
//$('#fileDialog').click(); //not angular way
angular.element('#fileDialog').trigger('click'); //angular way
I hope this help.