Okay I'm just about ready to tear my hair out. I'm loading a jqGrid with JSON data but with "loadonce" set to true, to keep it local. When I just show the default content of columns sorting works fine, but what I need is, for some columns to use info from another column to modify what is shown. For example, instead of having a "device" and a "model" column, I want to show both under one column, like this "device - model", and I use a custom formatter for that.
The problem is, in this case, when I do sort, I lose the "model" information and it becomes "undefined". Here's part of my code:
mdlTable = tableWrap.jqGrid({
url: loadURL,
datatype: 'json',
colNames: ['ID', 'Device', 'Description', 'IP', 'Model'],
colModel: [
{name:'id', index:'id', hidden:true, key:true},
{name:'device', index:'device', width:192,
formatter:function(value, options, rData){
var str = "<a href='/administration/mdl/vwDevice.aspx?device_id=";
str += rData[0] + "' target='_blank'>" + value;
if ('' != rData[4]) str += " - " + rData[4];
str += "</a>";
return str;
{name:'desc', index:'desc', width:256, sortable:false},
{name:'ip', index:'ip', width:96},
{name:'model', index:'model', hidden:true}
sortname: 'id',
viewrecords: true,
loadonce: true,
viewsortcols: [true,'vertical',true],
gridview: true,
ignoreCase: true
.navGrid('#deviceList_footer', {edit:false, add:false, del:false, cloneToTop:true});
So as you can see, I hide the model column, and "move" that information over to the device column because that's where it's suppose to be shown. It's all fine on load, but as soon as I do sort, or search and it refreshes the view as it were, the "copy" of the data is lost for some reason. If I show the model column the info there remains just fine, it's just the device column that gets the "undefined" value.
I tried triggering "reloadGrid", doesn't help. I also tried to add unformat function but I'm not sure what I can do there. I basically just returned a $(cellobject).html() - that didn't work obviously.
Edit: Added sample JSON data
{ "rows" : [{
"id" : "181",
"cell" : ["181", "Router A", "some description", "55.444.33.222", "Model 1"]
}, {
"id" : "291",
"cell" : ["291", "Router B", "some description", "55.333.22.444", "Model 2"]
}, {
"id" : "1346",
"cell" : ["1346", "Router C", "some description", "", "Model 3"]
}, {
"id" : "1999",
"cell" : ["1999", "Router D", "some description", "", "Model 4"]